- 260,361 total downloads
- last updated 5/17/2017
- Latest version: 1.7.0
Hangfire Redis Storage Based on Redis.StackExchange See http://hangfire.io/ for some more info on the main project -
- 218,293 total downloads
- last updated 11/13/2020
- Latest version: 4.0.0
Fluent Validation-powered Blazor component for validating standard <EditForm> https://github.com/ryanelian/FluentValidation.Blazor/blob/master/README.MD This library is a direct replacement to the default... More information -
- 15,020 total downloads
- last updated 1/3/2018
- Latest version: 0.13.2
A curated collection of utility classes for greatly assisting an ASP.NET Core MVC application development. -
- 10,223 total downloads
- last updated 12/28/2017
- Latest version: 0.13.0
Extension classes for ISession and IDistributedCache, enabling the functionality to set or get objects of any type using fast MessagePack serializer with LZ4 compression algorithm. -
- 5,419 total downloads
- last updated 11/17/2020
- Latest version: 0.5.0
Rapid Application Development component library for ASP.NET Core Blazor. THIS PACKAGE IS NOT AN OPEN SOURCE LIBRARY AND NOT LICENSED FOR GENERAL PUBLIC USE! To acquire a commercial license, contact:... More information -
- 4,180 total downloads
- last updated 8/26/2017
- Latest version: 0.2.0
Provides methods for validating a secure password.