
  • The PnP Core SDK provides a development model that unites SharePoint REST and Microsoft Graph in a high performance, lightweight library. The SDK uses a model which under the covers is automatically translated... More information
  • PnP Framework contains the PnP Provisioning engine and a ton of extension methods that will make you more productive while developing for Microsoft 365.
  • The PnP Core Auth library supports the PnP Core SDK providing a set of OAuth Authentication Providers internally based on the Microsoft Authentication Library.
  • This library adds admin related functionality to PnP Core SDK
  • [EXPERIMENTAL - Not yet officially released!] The PnP Core Transformation library provides a set of tools for the PnP Transformation Framework. Internally it is based on PnP.Core and PnP.Core.Auth.
  • [EXPERIMENTAL - Not yet officially released!] The PnP Core Transformation library provides a set of tools for the PnP Transformation Framework. Internally it is based on PnP.Core and PnP.Core.Auth.