- 374 total downloads
- last updated 11/19/2024
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Barcode Generator for .NET is a C# library to create QR Code, Code 128, GS1, EAN/UPC and other barcode formats in ASP.NET Core, Windows Forms, WPF web and desktop application. Supported barcode formats : * QR... More information -
- 222 total downloads
- last updated 11/19/2024
- Latest version:
Barcode Reader for .NET is a C# barcode scanner library to read, scan QR Code, Code 128 and other barcode formats in your ASP.NET Core web and Windows applications. Supported barcode formats : * QR Code, Data... More information -
- 221 total downloads
- last updated 11/19/2024
- Latest version:
Barcode Generator for ASP.NET is a C# library to create QR Code, Code 128, GS1, EAN/UPC and other barcode formats in ASP.NET Core web forms, MVC web apps. Supported barcode formats : * QR Code (+GS1), Data... More information