VRChat.VPM.CLI 0.1.28

dotnet tool install --global VRChat.VPM.CLI --version 0.1.28                
This package contains a .NET tool you can call from the shell/command line.
dotnet new tool-manifest # if you are setting up this repo
dotnet tool install --local VRChat.VPM.CLI --version 0.1.28                
This package contains a .NET tool you can call from the shell/command line.
#tool dotnet:?package=VRChat.VPM.CLI&version=0.1.28                
nuke :add-package VRChat.VPM.CLI --version 0.1.28                


The VRChat Package Manager is available as a Command Line Interface application, for advanced users and automation.

Installation & Updating

You'll need the .NET 8 SDK installed. Then just open a terminal and type:

dotnet tool install --global vrchat.vpm.cli

This will make it available at any command prompt just by typing vpm! You need the latest templates to make/migrate projects, so a great first thing to run is vpm install templates - more on that in the install templates section.

You can always update the tool to the latest version with the command:

dotnet tool update --global vrchat.vpm.cli

You can uninstall it with the command:

dotnet tool uninstall --global vrchat.vpm.cli

To learn more about what's going on, read the .NET Tool Docs.


VRChat Projects are Unity projects which have the VRChat SDK in them.


Creates a new VRChat project from a template

vpm new <projectName> [template] [-p path]


  • projectName: The name for the new project. Will have numbers added to it if another project already exists with this name in the target directory.

  • template: Optional template to use. If you don't provide one, the barebones "Base" template will be used, which includes only the VRChat Base SDK package. You can use the name of one of the built-in templates, or provide an absolute path to your own template. built-in templates: "Base", "World", "Avatar", "UdonSharp"

  • path: Optional absolute path to use when creating the project. If not provided, the current directory will be used.

add project

Adds a project to the list of projects in the CreatorCompanion. This will allow you to open the project from the CreatorCompanion GUI and will show it in the list of projects in the CLI.

vpm add project <project>


  • project: The path to the unity project you want to add

remove project

Removes a project from the list of projects in the CreatorCompanion

vpm remove project <project>


  • project: The path to the unity project you want to remove

list projects

Lists all the projects and their Unity Versions saved in the CreatorCompanion

vpm list projects

check project

Checks whether a given name or path points to a compatible VRChat project.

vpm check project [<name>]


  • name: Optional name of the project to find. If not provided, the current directory will be checked.Otherwise, the following places will be searched:
  • Name as absolute path
  • Name as relative path from current directory
  • Name from list in settings stored as userProjects

If the project is found, its type will be printed to the console.

Returns a 0 if a project is found, and a 1 if it is not.

resolve project

Restores all VPM packages specified in the project's vpm-manifest.json file, and deletes any LegacyPackages accidentally left in the project. This is done automatically by the Resolver when you open a project in Unity, but you can also do it manually with this command.

vpm resolve project [<name>]


  • name: Optional name of the project to find. If not provided, the current directory will be checked.Otherwise, the following places will be searched:
  • Name as absolute path
  • Name as relative path from current directory

If the project is found, its packages will be restored.

Returns a 0 if the packages were successfully restored, and a 1 if they were not.

migrate legacy

Migrates projects created with the legacy .unitypackage SDKs to the new system if they use the SDK3 Worlds or Avatars unitypackages (SDK2 not supported). They can be Unity 2017, 2018 or 2019 projects. Will also migrate UdonSharp and CyanEmu to the new package-based versions.

vpm migrate legacy [projectPath]


  • projectPath: The path to the unity project you want to migrate.


  • --inplace: Migrate project in place instead of creating a copy. Not recommended unless you have your own backup of the project

If the project is found and it can be migrated it will be automatically upgraded to the new system.

Returns a 0 if a project is found and it can be migrated, and a 1 if it is not found or can't be migrated.

migrate 2022

Migrates projects using Unity 2019 to Unity 2022. When the migration is done - you will need to open the project with Unity 2022 to finalize the migration.

vpm migrate 2022 [projectPath]


  • projectPath: The path to the unity project you want to migrate.


  • --inplace: Migrate project in place instead of creating a copy. Not recommended unless you have your own backup of the project

Returns a 0 if a project is found and it can be migrated, and a 1 if it is not found or migration is not possible / failed.


Packages are code and assets in a portable format, stored in in zip files and pulled into your project by the VRChat Package Manager.

check package

Reports the info from a package, or tells if you if it is not found/invalid.

vpm check package <name>


  • name: The package to check. This can be the unique name of any package in the Official or Curated package listings, like com.vrchat.worlds or com.vrchat.udonsharp, or it can be a relative or absolute path to a local package.


  • vpm check package com.vrchat.avatars
    • Prints info about the official Avatars package
  • vpm check package "C:/MyPackages/MirrorExploder"
    • Prints info about the local package "MirrorExploder".

add package

Adds a VPM package to an existing Project

vpm add package <packageName> [-p <project>]


  • packageName: The package to add. This can be the unique name of any package in the Official or Curated package listings, like com.vrchat.worlds or com.vrchat.udonsharp, or it can be a relative or absolute path to a local package.
    • You can also add package version if you want to download a specific version of the package, e.g. com.vrchat.worlds@3.4.1


  • -p|--project: Specifies the project to which the package will be added. If no argument is provided, the method will look in the current directory. If provided, the value can be an absolute or relative path to a Unity Project, or the name of a project which you have added to your userProjects list.


  • vpm add package com.vrchat.avatars
    • Adds the official Avatars package to the project in the current directory.
  • vpm add package "C:/MyPackages/MirrorExploder" "../MyProjectDir"
    • Adds my local package "MirrorExploder" to the project which is one directory up from the current working directory.

remove package

Removes a VPM package from an existing Project

vpm remove package <packageName> [-p <project>] [-f]


  • packageName: The package to remove. This can be the unique name of any package in the project.


  • -p|--project: Specifies the project from which the package will be removed If no argument is provided, the method will look in the current directory. If provided, the value can be an absolute or relative path to a Unity Project.

  • -f|--force: Removes a package even if doing so might break the project.


  • vpm remove package com.vrchat.clientsim
    • Removes the ClientSim package from the project in the current directory.
  • vpm remove package "com.vrchat.base" "../MyProjectDir" -f
    • Removes the VRChat Base package from the project which is one directory up from the current working directory, even though doing so will probably break the project.


Templates are barebones VRChat projects which can be used as a starting point for new projects, pulling in your favorite packages, prefabs and tools to get running quickly.


We also provide the templates as git repositories you can use directly. Here's the guide with all the links and instructions.


install templates

Installs the latest version of the VRChat templates to AppData/Local/VRChatCreatorCompanion/VRCTemplates, overwriting files that are there. Useful if you're using the CLI without having installed the VCC GUI.

vpm install templates

Note that this will clear out the existing template first - user templates should be put into AppData/Local/VRChatCreatorCompanion/Templates instead.

list templates

Prints out the names and paths of the Official VRChat Templates, and the paths of the installed User Templates.

vpm list templates

check template

Reports the version from a template, or tells if you if it is not found/invalid.

vpm check template <template>


  • template: The template to check. This can be the displayName of any built-in template or an absolute path to your own project template.

built-in templates: "Base", "World", "Avatar", "UdonSharp"


Repos are listings of Packages. You always have access to the Official and Curated repos, and you can add your own Community repos.

list repos

Lists all the sources available for loading packages. This includes the Official and Curated package listing, as well as any User repos add to the Settings.

vpm list repos

add repo

Adds a local or remote repo of packages.

vpm add repo <path> [--headers key:value key:value]


  • path: The path to add. It can be an absolute path to a local json file, or a url to a remote json file. If it's a local file, it must exist to be added. If it's a remote file, it must connect within 10 seconds of the request to be added.


  • -h|--headers: Key/Value pairs to be added from command line. Some repo urls require different headers, and the option accounts for any number of headers. This is not necessary for explicit local paths, only for remote urls. Headers should be added following this pattern <name>:<value>. It should be noted that if the value has a space in it, wrap the header in quotes.
vpm add repo https://test.com/index.json --headers "Authorization:Bearer my_token"

Adds a repo found at https://test.com/index.json and will send along the Authorization header whenever it requests the listing.

vpm add repo https://test.com/index.json -h "Authorization:Bearer my_token" Accept:text/html

Adds a repo found at https://test.com/index.json and will send along the Authorization and Accept headers whenever it requests the listing.

Returns 0 if the repo was added and 1 if it was not.

new repo

Create a new json file for a package listing.

vpm new repo [path] [--name MyName] [--author email@domain.com]

** Arguments**

  • path: The path at which to create the file, can be absolute or relative to current directory. If not provided, it will be created in the default sources directory (~User/AppData/Local/VRChatCreatorCompanion/Sources) and given a GUID name like 4d6ffbe7-fe91-449f-ae7e-c8688e315a83.json.


  • -n|--name: The name for the source, like "VRChat Official Packages" or "Momo's Messy Mix"
  • -a|--author: An email address at which people can contact you with questions.

remove single repo

Removes the repo from your settings by id. Returns 0 if the repo was removed and 1 if it was not.

If the repo listing did not provide an explicit id - a url can be used in its place.

vpm remove repo [id]

remove repos

Removes all the repos from your settings. Returns 0 if the repos were removed and 1 if they weren't.

vpm remove repos


The VCC and VPM require a few things to be installed in order to run properly. These commands can help you quickly get your machine or a cloud build set up.

check hub

On Windows, checks if there is a registry key for the Unity Hub at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\unityhub\DefaultIcon. On Mac, checks if there is a file at /Applications/Unity Hub.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity Hub.

vpm check hub

Returns 0 if it is found and 1 if it is not.

install hub

Installs Unity Hub 3.0 for Windows

vpm install hub

Specifically, it downloads the hub installer from


and runs it with the argument /S to install silently.

Returns 0 if the Hub was installed and 1 if it was not.

check unity

Checks if there is a valid installation of Unity installed at the path specified in the Settings as pathToUnityExe. If the Unity Hub is installed, runs the hub in a background process to list any Unity Editors using the args:

-- --headless editors -i

Updates the Settings with the paths to the Unity Editors if found.

vpm check unity

Returns 0 if a compatible version of Unity is specified there and 1 if it is not.

install unity

Installs a compatible version of the Unity Editor for Windows with Android Build Support

vpm install unity

Specifically, it runs the Unity Hub with these args:

-- --headless install -v 2022.3.22f1 -c b9e6e7e9fa2d -m android

returns 0 if Unity was installed and 1 if it was not.

list unity

Lists the Unity Editors found on the current system.

vpm list unity


  • Windows Registry
  • Unity Hub (by running it with the args -- --headless editors -i
  • Subdirectories of the Unity Hub

Folder commands

open settingsFolder

Opens the folder where the settings file is stored.

vpm open settingsFolder

open projectsFolder

Opens the default project creation folder

vpm open projectsFolder

open backupsFolder

Opens the folder where backups are stored

vpm open backupsFolder

Mac and Linux Support

The only fully-supported platform at the moment is Windows 10. However, we are working to make the vpm tool available to Mac and Linux users.


If you're having trouble using the CLI on non-Windows platforms, you can check out our Project Templates to get you started with the latest VRChat packages without relying on VCC.


Mac Setup

  1. Follow the directions under Installation & Updating above.
  2. Install Unity Hub for Mac and then Unity 2022.3.22f1.
  3. Open a terminal and run vpm install templates to install the latest VRChat project templates.
  4. Run vpm check hub to find and save the location of Unity Hub. For now, we assume it has been installed to its default location of /Applications/Unity Hub.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity Hub. If this is not the case, you'll need to open your settings file and set the pathToUnityHub to the correct absolute path manually. Make sure to target the executable inside of the UnityHub.app as shown in the default path.
  5. Run vpm check unity to find and save the location of the Unity Editor. VPM will use the Hub to find and save the path(s), so make sure VPM can find the Hub first.

That's it! You should be able to make new projects from templates, add packages to projects and most other functions. You can file a Canny for any methods that don't work.

Linux Setup

The system is completely untested on Linux distributions at this point, but may work anyway due to the work done for the Mac version. The VPM will not be able to find your Unity Hub or Unity Editor paths however, so you'll need to update your settings.json file to set them manually for now.

Product Compatible and additional computed target framework versions.
.NET net8.0 is compatible.  net8.0-android was computed.  net8.0-browser was computed.  net8.0-ios was computed.  net8.0-maccatalyst was computed.  net8.0-macos was computed.  net8.0-tvos was computed.  net8.0-windows was computed.  net9.0 was computed.  net9.0-android was computed.  net9.0-browser was computed.  net9.0-ios was computed.  net9.0-maccatalyst was computed.  net9.0-macos was computed.  net9.0-tvos was computed.  net9.0-windows was computed. 
Compatible target framework(s)
Included target framework(s) (in package)
Learn more about Target Frameworks and .NET Standard.

This package has no dependencies.

Version Downloads Last updated
0.1.28 1,494 12/4/2024
0.1.28-beta.3 121 10/22/2024
0.1.28-beta.2 71 10/12/2024
0.1.28-beta.1 115 10/11/2024
0.1.27 1,484 9/10/2024
0.1.26 772 7/22/2024
0.1.25 692 5/9/2024
0.1.24 2,701 2/27/2024
0.1.23 279 2/20/2024
0.1.22 3,038 12/12/2023
0.1.21 317 12/8/2023
0.1.20 882 10/17/2023
0.1.19 423 10/13/2023
0.1.18 546 9/27/2023
0.1.17 870 6/28/2023
0.1.16 523 5/5/2023
0.1.15 444 4/15/2023
0.1.14 394 4/6/2023
0.1.13 2,450 12/7/2022
0.1.12 606 10/24/2022
0.1.11 472 9/20/2022
0.1.10 432 9/3/2022
0.1.9 447 8/26/2022
0.1.8 430 8/12/2022
0.1.7 456 8/12/2022
0.1.6 422 7/23/2022
0.1.5 427 7/21/2022
0.1.4 489 5/27/2022
0.1.3 421 5/26/2022
0.1.2 458 5/17/2022
0.1.1 408 5/10/2022
0.1.0 453 5/10/2022