1. The End User License Agreement (“EULA”) contains the terms and conditions that govern Your use of Wordize’s products enclosed or otherwise accompanied herewith (individually and collectively, the “PRODUCT”) (as linked to below) and imposes material limitations on Your License. You should read the EULA carefully. BY INSTALLING, DOWNLOADING, COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING THE PRODUCT, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THE WORDIZE EULA.
You may obtain a full copy of the Wordize EULA at: https://about.smallize.com/legal/eula/
2. This software may include third party components with separate legal notices or governed by other agreements, as may be described in the ThirdPartyLicense file(s) accompanying the software.
You may find the ThirdPartyLicense file(s) in ‘License’ directory inside this package.