Vitsoftol.ViaCep... 1.0.0 License Info

Vitsoftol.ViaCep.NetStandard 1.0.0

Package free for use.

This package use ViaCep at and all data are provided by it's services. So I'm not reponsable if they will decide to change links or stop service by they own decision.
ViaCep is a colaboraive platform and if you have something to help them to imprive jut doit.

Example o use:

using Vitsoftol.ViaCep.NetCore;
using Vitsoftol.ViaCep.NetCore.Models;

//Search by Zip Code
var address = SearchAddress.PorCep("15.802.328");

//Search by Address
var address = SearchAddress.PorEndereco(Estado.SP, "Catanduva","appendino");