JBlam.ConsolePrompt 0.1.1-t... License Info

JBlam.ConsolePrompt 0.1.1-testing

This is not free and open-source software.

In general, you may use this software for commercial and non-commercial purposes, with caveats.

These caveats are:

1. You must not repackage or re-release this software for profit, nor seek to evade the terms of this license by repackaging or re-release.
    - You may include this software in part of a larger for-profit software product, provided the other conditions of this license are met.
    - You may not repackage this software under a different license.
    - If you include this software within a larger open-source project, the terms of this license still apply to this project.
2. You may not include, reference, or link to this software in any context which seeks to do harm to others.
    - For the purposes of this license, "harm" includes (but is not limited to) performing, or providing material, emotional, or logistical support to someone who performs:
        - homophobia
        - transphobia
        - discrimination on the basis of sex, gender, race, or religion
        - acts subverting the rights of refugees as determined by the UNHCR
        - acts subverting democracy
        - wage theft, or any other act which subverts the rights of workers
3. Any legal action arising from this software or license must be initiated in the jurisdiction of Victoria, Australia
4. While using this software, you must not behave in a way which makes the author feel uncomfortable.

Where any term of the above is not legally binding in your jurisdiction, the use of this software for any purpose is disallowed.

All terms of this license are binding, even those which are expressed here in lowercase.